One Ecosystem :
Research Article
Corresponding author: Luke M. Brander (
Academic editor: Alejandro Caparrós
Received: 08 Apr 2022 | Accepted: 10 Aug 2022 | Published: 03 Nov 2022
© 2022 Luke Brander, Jan Philipp Schägner, Rudolf de Groot
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Brander LM, Schägner JP, de Groot R (2022) On the potential use of the Ecosystem Services Valuation Database for valuation in the System of Environmental Economic Accounting. One Ecosystem 7: e85085.
The System of Environmental Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) provides a framework for quantifying and valuing ecosystem services that is consistent with the System of National Accounts (SNA). As such, monetary estimates for ecosystem services are required to be measured as exchange values. The environmental economics literature on the value of ecosystem services has expanded consideralby over the past two decades and the Ecosystem Services Valuation Database (ESVD) currently provides the most comprehensive collection and synthesis of this information. The primary valuation studies included in the ESVD, however, measure a variety of value concepts including welfare values, exchange values and others. This raises a challenge for using existing value data as input to SEEA EA applications. This paper explores potential approaches to using the ESVD for value transfers that are consistent with SEEA EA, specifically for the estimation of meta-analytic value functions that can be used to reflect spatial variation in supply and demand of ecosystem services and proxy exchange values. It identifies avenues for future research and development of the ESVD to operationalise and test this approach.
cosystem service valuation, value transfer, Ecosystem Services Valuation Database, meta-analysis
The recently published System of Environmental Economic Accounting—Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) framework represents a significant step towards making visible the contributions of nature to the economy and people (
Following the adoption of the SEEA EA, the United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) encourages all countries to implement the framework with a view to mainstreaming the accounts into policy-making and stimulating further development of technical capacities and methods (
The purpose of developing ecosystem accounts, both physical and monetary, is to quantify and communicate the economic importance of natural capital and ecosystem services to decision-makers in order to improve the management and sustainable use of these resources. The comparative advantage, or added value, of monetary accounts as information for decision-making is that the importance of environmental change is conveyed in a common unit of account (i.e. money), so that values can be directly compared across other goods, services, investments and impacts in the economy and to society. There remain, however, a number of practical challenges for the monetary valuation of ecosystems services (ES) in the SEEA EA. The first challenge is the requirement to ensure consistency with the SNA, that monetary values for ES are measured as exchange values. This concept of value is explained in detail in the following section but, to put it briefly here, exchange value is a monetary measure of the magnitude of economic activity, primarily in evidence through market transactions and market prices. Many ES, however, are not traded in markets due to their public good characteristics (non-excludability and non-rivalry) and do not have observable market prices. To address this absence of information, considerable research effort in the field of environmental economics has developed and applied methods to estimate values for non-marketed ES (
The second challenge is that the values of ES are highly spatially variable, reflecting context-specific determinants of demand for and supply of each service (
The third challenge relates to the geographic scale at which ES value information is required in accounting applications. The implementation of SEEA EA may be conducted at various scales, including sub-national, national and global. In all cases, this requires ES values for multiple ecosystem units across large geographic areas. Most economic methods that have been developed to estimate values for non-marketed ES, however, are expensive and time-consuming to conduct and are generally only feasible at small scales (e.g. for individual ecosystem units). This “scaling up” challenge describes the need to produce information for large numbers of diverse ecosystem units and, potentially, to also account for changes that occur across the stock of the resource (
A fourth challenge, which is largely a derivative of the preceding three issues, relates to the level of uncertainty regarding estimated ES values. With respect to uncertainty over ES values, the SEEA EA guidance recommends “compilers to consider issues of data quality and uncertainty before compiling and disseminating accounts in monetary terms. (…) Approaches to limiting these uncertainties and maximising the robustness of the data in ecosystem accounts will need to be further developed” (
The SEEA EA framework suggests a commonly-used approach for scaling-up values while accounting for their spatial variations, which is to conduct value transfer (also known as benefit transfer (
In this paper we explore the potential of using the ESVD for conducting value transfers that address the challenges described above in implementing monetary valuation in SEEA EA. The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 provides definitions of the relevant concepts of value and how these are measured by economic valuation methods. Section 3 describes the ESVD and the representation of different valuation methods in the data. Section 4 proposes an approach to using data from the ESVD for value transfers that address the three challenges outlined above. Section 5 outlines avenues for future development of the ESVD to enable the proposed approach and provides concluding remarks.
Here we provide a brief explanation of the concepts of economic value that are relevant to this paper in order to clarify the distinctions between the requirements of the SEEA EA and the availability of existing data on the value of ES.
In neo-classical welfare economics, the economic value of a good or service is the monetary measure of the well-being associated with its production and consumption. In a perfectly functioning market, the economic value of a good or service is determined by the demand for and supply of that good or service. Demand for a good or service is determined by the benefit, utility or welfare that consumers derive from it. Supply of a good or service is determined by the cost of producing it. Fig.
In Fig.
In contrast to societal welfare, exchange value is a monetary measure of the magnitude of economic activity in evidence through market transactions. In Fig.
An additional relevant conceptual difference to note in the context of estimating economic values for ES is the distinction between marginal and average values. The marginal value of a good or service is the contribution to well-being of one additional unit. It is equivalent to the price of the service in a perfectly functioning market. Marginal values are relevant for accounting purposes, since they are reflected in prices, and for the welfare assessment of small changes in ecosystem service provision. In contrast, the average value of a good or service represents the aggregate value of a service relative to the scale of provision (defined in terms of units of provision, area of ecosystem or number of beneficiaries) and can be calculated as the total value divided by the total quantity of the service provided and consumed. The distinction between marginal and average values is raised here because, in principle, monetary values included in the SEEA EA should be marginal (reflecting prices).
The available literature on the economic value of ecosystem services contains estimates measuring all forms of value concepts (welfare, exchange and other concepts) and both marginal and average values. It is, therefore necessary to address these conceptual dimensions when selecting value data for use within the SEEA EA.
As indicated in Fig. 1, economic theory suggests that total exchange value (area B + C) is typically lower than societal surplus (area A + B). Other demand functions may, however, be possible and to what extent exchange values differ from welfare value (societal surplus) remains to be explored empirically. We undertook a review of 20 published meta-analyses to investigate if the effects of different value concepts have been examined and whether different value measures have a significant effect on estimated value. We found that controlling for different value concepts is far from common practice. In a rare exception,
The ESVD is, to our knowledge, the most comprehensive global collection of the results of economic valuation studies with details on the type of ecosystem, ecosystem services, location, valuation method and beneficiaries (
To enable comparisons and summaries of value estimates, recorded values are standardised to a common set of units, namely International dollars per hectare per year at 2020 prices levels. The standardisation process involves five steps to address the following five dimensions: price level (accounting for inflation), currency (accounting for purchasing power parity adjusted exchange rates), spatial unit (accounting for variation in size of study sites), temporal unit (accounting for variation in time periods for which values are measured) and beneficiary unit (accounting for variation in level of aggregation across beneficiaries). It should be noted that it is not possible to standardise all value estimates to this common set of units due primarily to missing data (e.g. on the total number of beneficiaries) or the incompatibility of spatial units (e.g. linear features, such as rivers and beaches, cannot be meaningfully converted into hectares).
The ESVD currently contains over 7,000 unique value records from over 1,000 valuation studies representing 15 biomes and all regions of the world (
Number of ESVD value records by ecosystem service and valuation method (columns ordered by frequency of method use).
Valuation method acronyms: CE = Choice Modelling (Discrete Choice Experiment; Conjoint Analysis); CV = Contingent Valuation; DC = Damage Cost Avoided; DE = Defensive Expenditure; GV = Group Valuation (Participatory Valuation); HP = Hedonic Pricing; IO = Input-Output Modelling; MP = Market Prices (Gross Revenue); FI = Net Factor Income (Residual Value; Resource Rent); OC = Opportunity Cost; PF = Production Function; PP = Public Pricing; RC = Replacement Cost; RT = Restoration Cost; SC = Social Cost of Carbon; TC = Travel Cost; VT = Value Transfer (Benefits Transfer); OT = Other
Ecosystem Service |
MP |
CE |
CV |
DC |
FI |
TC |
PF |
RC |
VT |
HP |
SC |
RT |
GV |
OT |
PP |
IO |
OC |
DE |
Total |
Crop provisioning services |
99 |
1 |
3 |
56 |
1 |
1 |
6 |
6 |
173 |
Grazed biomass provisioning services |
28 |
3 |
11 |
10 |
26 |
1 |
1 |
8 |
88 |
Livestock provisioning services |
14 |
2 |
1 |
17 |
Aquaculture provisioning services |
23 |
8 |
1 |
1 |
33 |
Wood provisioning services |
215 |
1 |
5 |
69 |
1 |
4 |
13 |
308 |
Wild fish and other natural aquatic biomass |
263 |
52 |
32 |
79 |
2 |
54 |
11 |
59 |
3 |
1 |
10 |
3 |
569 |
Wild animals, plants and other biomass |
250 |
36 |
11 |
27 |
33 |
14 |
11 |
17 |
1 |
400 |
Genetic material services |
29 |
7 |
27 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
68 |
Water supply |
26 |
5 |
26 |
59 |
30 |
27 |
5 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
182 |
Other provisioning services |
209 |
26 |
6 |
7 |
2 |
12 |
9 |
7 |
21 |
1 |
300 |
Global climate regulation services |
56 |
44 |
12 |
38 |
2 |
6 |
17 |
116 |
25 |
1 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
326 |
Rainfall pattern regulation services |
3 |
3 |
1 |
7 |
Local (micro and meso) climate regulation |
10 |
5 |
15 |
Air filtration services |
4 |
460 |
30 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
497 |
Soil quality regulation services |
7 |
1 |
10 |
13 |
5 |
53 |
5 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
1 |
101 |
Soil erosion control services |
7 |
5 |
10 |
14 |
5 |
4 |
38 |
16 |
2 |
2 |
3 |
106 |
Solid waste remediation services |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
4 |
1 |
10 |
Retention and breakdown of nutrients |
4 |
15 |
4 |
7 |
3 |
43 |
6 |
1 |
2 |
85 |
Retention and breakdown of other pollutants |
3 |
9 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
15 |
Baseline flow maintenance services |
3 |
4 |
1 |
8 |
Peak flow mitigation services |
1 |
1 |
Coastal protection services |
2 |
4 |
4 |
27 |
1 |
6 |
4 |
48 |
River flood mitigation services |
40 |
3 |
19 |
15 |
3 |
80 |
Storm mitigation services |
1 |
7 |
5 |
21 |
2 |
9 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
56 |
Pollination services |
13 |
1 |
201 |
1 |
1 |
217 |
Pest control services |
9 |
21 |
1 |
1 |
32 |
Disease control services |
1 |
1 |
Nursery population and habitat maintenance |
13 |
66 |
38 |
29 |
8 |
6 |
18 |
52 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
241 |
Other regulating and maintenance services |
1 |
14 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
22 |
4 |
1 |
4 |
51 |
Recreation-related services |
292 |
274 |
369 |
105 |
344 |
7 |
43 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
5 |
12 |
1 |
1,458 |
Visual amenity services |
2 |
91 |
69 |
1 |
1 |
50 |
7 |
72 |
1 |
1 |
295 |
Education, scientific and research services |
37 |
20 |
6 |
5 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
18 |
91 |
Spiritual, artistic and symbolic services |
1 |
1 |
1 |
18 |
2 |
23 |
Other cultural services |
1 |
80 |
9 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
5 |
101 |
Ecosystem and species appreciation |
6 |
197 |
290 |
2 |
1 |
20 |
8 |
1 |
5 |
530 |
Total |
1,603 |
994 |
946 |
673 |
420 |
410 |
397 |
334 |
206 |
139 |
118 |
88 |
67 |
54 |
38 |
24 |
22 |
2 |
6,535 |
Regarding the valuation methods used to produce value estimates contained in the ESVD, market prices have been applied in almost a quarter of cases, primarily for valuing provisioning services, but also for recreation. Stated preference methods (choice experiments and contingent valuation) have also been widely used, largely to value cultural services, but also provisioning and regulating services – reflecting the broad applicability of these methods. The damage cost avoided method, including social cost of carbon which is recorded as a separate method, is also extensively used, but to value a narrower set of regulating services (e.g. air filtration and climate regulation). The travel cost method has been used primarily for the valuation of recreation and visual amenity. Similarly, the hedonic pricing method is primarily used to value visual amenity. The replacement cost method is widely used across both provisioning and regulating services.
The point of reviewing the methods underlying the value estimates contained in the ESVD is that they give a first insight into the value concepts that are measured and therefore compatibility with the SEEA EA requirement for exchange values. On this first assessment, it appears that a large proportion of the ESVD data are compatible since market prices are generally used to derive exchange values. The valuation method, however, may only be a weak proxy for value concept since most methods can be used to estimate a variety of value concepts. For example, discrete choice experiments can be used to estimate both implicit prices and welfare changes (
The ESVD may support the implementation of monetary valuation of ES in SEEA EA by providing a basis for value transfers that are compatible with SEEA EA concepts and data. The number of primary valuation studies included in the ESVD is substantial and growing, which means that there is an expanding body of evidence to draw on for the purposes of transferring values for ES accounting applications. With an expanding information base, the potential for using value transfer is improving continuously.
Value transfer methods have already been employed widely in national and global ecosystem assessments, value mapping applications and policy appraisals (
Unit value transfer uses values for ecosystem services at a study site, expressed as a value per unit (usually per unit of area or per beneficiary), combined with information on the quantity of units at the policy site to estimate policy site values. Unit values from the study site are multiplied by the number of units at the policy site. Unit values can be adjusted to reflect differences between the study and policy sites (e.g. income and price levels).
Value function transfer uses a value function estimated for an individual study site in conjunction with information on parameter values for the policy site to calculate the value of an ecosystem service at the policy site. A value function is an equation that relates the value of an ecosystem service to the characteristics of the ecosystem and the beneficiaries of the ecosystem service. Value functions can be estimated from a number of primary valuation methods including hedonic pricing, travel cost, production function, contingent valuation and choice experiments (
Meta-analytic function transfer uses a value function estimated from the results of multiple primary studies representing multiple study sites in conjunction with information on parameter values for the policy site to calculate the value of an ecosystem service at the policy site. Since the value function is estimated from the results of multiple studies, it is able to represent and control for greater variation in the characteristics of ecosystems, beneficiaries and other contextual characteristics (
The choice of which value transfer method to use to provide information for a specific policy context is largely dependent on the availability of primary valuation estimates and the degree of similarity between the study and policy sites. However, there is no consensus yet on which value transfer method works best in a given circumstance (
In the context of SEEA EA, we propose that the ESVD data can be used to estimate meta-analytic value functions that are tailored to approximate exchange values, reflect spatial variation in key determinants of ES supply and demand, enable transfers to large numbers of ecosystem units across large geographic scales and allow the testing of predictive accuracy.
To estimate a meta-analytic value function that enables transfers consistent with exchange values, two alternative approaches are feasible. The first approach is to use only primary valuations that represent exchange values, which has the limitation of greatly reducing the available sample. The second approach is to estimate meta-analytic value functions, including explanatory variables that enable the explicit prediction of exchange values. Implementation of this approach would require the inclusion of a variable distinguishing between exchange values and other value concepts in the data. The estimated coefficient on this variable can be subsequently used in value transfer applications to adjust the predicted values towards exchange values.
In order to account for spatial variation in the determinants of ecosystem supply and demand, a set of spatially defined explanatory variables can be included in the meta-regression models to measure supply (e.g. extent, condition, fragmentation) and demand factors (e.g. population, income, distance, substitutes, complements). When applying these value functions, the corresponding characteristics of ecosystem units are used to predict values that reflect the specific supply and demand context of each ecosystem unit. To some extent, relevant data on explanatory variables may already be available within the accounts (e.g. ecosystem extent and condition).
The use of meta-analytic value functions also provides a practical means to estimate values for large numbers of diverse ecosystem units across large geographic areas, also referred to as mapping ES values. The approach can be implemented within a spatially-referenced database or GIS to compute site specific values for hundreds of thousands of ecosystem units (e.g.
The proposed use of meta-analytic value functions derived from ESVD data also enables the computation of statistical measures of fit and transfer accuracy, thereby giving quantitative insights into the uncertainties of ES values included in SEEA EA applications. Such information may be important to guide compilers and policy-makers on how to use and interpret monetary accounts. More generally, the ESVD may help to locate and quantify uncertainties in the available data on ES values. Being the largest open access global database of ES values, the ESVD enables the generation of summaries of the available valuation data for any ES, biome, region or country of interest. Thereby, data gaps can be identified and research priorities can be set to improve the coverage of ES valuations used for SEEA EA applications.
A conceptual specification of the proposed meta-regression model for SEEA EA-compatible value transfers is given in equation (1). The dependent variable (y) in the meta-regression is a vector of values in International dollars per hectare per year in 2020 prices. This is the general set of units used to standardise values contained in the ESVD, but alternative units are possible in meta-regression functions that examine specific ecosystem services; for example, for the estimation of recreational values, the dependent variable could be defined as International dollars per recreational visit. The explanatory variables include a categorical variable indicating exchange value and other value measures XE; a set of variables indicating the ecosystem services valued XES; a set of variables representing determinants of supply XS (e.g. ecosystem extent, condition, fragmentation, protection status); and a set of variables representing determinants of demand XD (e.g. population, income, distance, complements, substitutes). The vectors βE, βES, βS and βD contain the estimated coefficients on the respective explanatory variables; α is the constant term; and μ is a vector of residuals.
y = α + βEXE + βESXES + βSXS + βDXD + μ (1)
The implementation of this proposed approach to value transfer for SEEA EA using data from the ESVD requires empirical testing and we identify a number of avenues for future development in the next section.
In order to improve the usability of the ESVD to estimate ES values for SEEA EA, several developments and advancements of the database are considered here.
Of primary importance is the need to include or complete additional data fields that enable compatibility with SEEA EA concepts and definitions. First, there is the need to include a categorical variable indicating the value concept measured by the underlying primary valuation studies. Currently, valuation methods are recorded in the ESVD but value concepts are not. Second, there is a need to include a field indicating whether estimated values are marginal or average values. Third, the SEEA EA reference list categorisation of valued ecosystem services needs to be added for all records. This is completed to a large extent (for approximately 90% of the data) but the remaining records require careful interpretation of the ecosystem services addressed. Fourth, additional fields on the condition of ecosystem study sites should be added to enable the influence of condition on ES value to be modelled. Condition variables should be consistent with those used in SEEA EA. Information on ecosystem condition from the underlying primary valuation studies has been difficult to extract and standardise, so spatially referenced secondary sources might provide an alternative and more consistent, source of information. In general, there is incomplete and non-standardised reporting of the information required by ESVD within primary valuation studies. The development of a standardised reporting template for valuation results would help to resolve this limitation in the future (see Schägner et al., forthcoming).The spatial representation of the study sites within the ESVD can also be improved by deriving the exact boundaries of the study sites, which are currently only approximated by point locations and areal extent. A more precise spatial description of study sites would potentially improve the coupling of value data to spatially defined measures of biophysical and socio-cultural-economic characteristics for each study site. This, in turn, is expected to improve the statistical fit of meta-regression models and accuracy of value transfers.
In addition to supplementing the existing data in the ESVD with SEEA EA relevant information, there remains a large body of valuation literature and study results to be included into the ESVD. Currently, the repository of collected valuation studies includes more than 5,000 publications that potentially contain value estimates that can be included into the ESVD. On top of this, there are studies that have not yet been retrieved and included in the repository and the continuous flow of new valuation studies that are published every week. Researchers are encouraged to submit their publications to ESVD and the web-interface is to be extended to enable authors to add their own studies to the database. To the extent possible given available funding, the ESVD team plans to continuously update the database and publish new data releases. With a view to supporting implementation of SEEA EA, future updates could target gaps in the data that are of particular relevance to ES accounting.
Finally, future research is required to implement and test the proposed use of ESVD data to estimate meta-analytic value functions for SEEA EA applications. This could start with ecosystems (e.g. forests, wetlands) and ES (e.g. recreation, wild fish and animals) for which there are large numbers of value estimates. Testing would involve the empirical estimation of value functions and exploration of transfer accuracy across diverse policy site contexts.
In conclusion, there is potential to use the ESVD to develop ready-to-use ES valuation tools that require only a limited number of input variables, several of which can be obtained from the physical accounts. The approach to value transfer proposed in this paper may support the estimation of monetary values for ES that are consistent with SEEA EA concepts, account for spatial heterogeneity in ES supply and demand, enable application at large geographic scales and provide quantifiable levels of certainty. The initial analytical step of estimating meta-analytic value functions will require technical support, but once set-up, consistent value transfers can potentially be conducted by compilers of ecosystem accounts with limited expertise and time for implementing primary ES valuation and/or value transfers. The proposed approach should now be piloted to test its practicality and accuracy.
We are sincerely grateful to the members of the ESVD team who have helped to manage and build the database, including Victoria Guisado Goñi, Stefanos Solomonides, Vince van 't Hoff, Alistair McVittie, Florian Eppink, Matteo Sposato, Luat Do, Andrea Ghermandi and Michael Sinclair. We also acknowledge the many colleagues who contributed their time and expertise to reviewing the data, including Leon Braat, Wendy Chen, Rachael Cleveland, Hanna Dijkstra, Davide Geneletti, Liselotte Hagedoorn, Marcello Hernandez, Onno Kuik, Tanya O'Garra, Kirsten Oleson, Paolo Pasquariello, Katrin Rehdanz, Jacob Salcone, Maria de Salvo, Priyanka Sarkar, Marije Schaafsma, Uta Schirpke, Andrew Seidl, Giovanni Signorello, Can Vatandaşlar and Naeema Jihan Zinia. We also thank the reviewers, whose constructive comments greatly improved the paper.
The accounting framework and the physical accounts described in Chapters 1-7 have been approved as an international statistical standard, whereas chapters 8–11 on monetary valuation and integrated accounting for ecosystem services and assets and chapters 12-14 on applications and extensions are described as internationally recognised statistical principles and recommendations.