One Ecosystem :
Research Article
Corresponding author: Alessandra La Notte (
Academic editor: Benjamin Burkhard
Received: 05 Apr 2022 | Accepted: 12 Jul 2022 | Published: 16 Sep 2022
© 2022 Alessandra La Notte, Sara Vallecillo, Ioanna Grammatikopoulou, Chiara Polce, Carlo Rega, Grazia Zulian, Georgia Kakoulaki, Bruna Grizzetti, Silvia Ferrini, Mayra Zurbaran-Nucci, Eduardo Garcia Bendito, Veronika Vysna, Maria Luisa Paracchini, Joachim Maes
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
La Notte A, Vallecillo S, Grammatikopoulou I, Polce C, Rega C, Zulian G, Kakoulaki G, Grizzetti B, Ferrini S, Zurbaran-Nucci M, Garcia Bendito E, Vysna V, Paracchini ML, Maes J (2022) The Integrated system for Natural Capital Accounting (INCA) in Europe: twelve lessons learned from empirical ecosystem service accounting. One Ecosystem 7: e84925.
The Integrated system for Natural Capital Accounting (INCA) was developed and supported by the European Commission to test and implement the System of integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting – Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA). Through the compilation of nine Ecosystem Services (ES) accounts, INCA can make available to any interested ecosystem accountant a number of lessons learned. Amongst the conceptual lessons learned, we can mention: (i) for accounting purposes, ES should be clustered according to the existence (or not) of a sustainability threshold; (ii) the assessment of ES flow results from the interaction of an ES potential and an ES demand; (iii) the ES demand can be spatially identified, but for an overarching environmental target, this is not possible; ES potential and ES demand could mis-match; (iv) because the demand remains unsatisfied; (v) because the ES is used above its sustainability threshold or (vi) because part of the potential flow is missed; (vii) there can be a cause-and-effect relationship between ecosystem condition and ES flow; (viii) ES accounts can complement the SEEA Central Framework accounts without overlapping or double counting. Amongst the methodological lessons learned, we can mention: (ix) already exiting ES assessments do not directly provide ES accounts, but will likely need some additional processing; (x) ES cannot be defined by default as intermediate; (xi) the ES remaining within ecosystems cannot be reported as final; (xii) the assessment and accounting of ES can be undertaken throughout a fast track approach or more demanding modelling procedures.
Natural capital accounting, ecosystem services, ecosystem potential, ecosystem capacity, intermediate ecosystem services, Natural Capital indicators
The System of integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA) is a framework of satellite accounts which complements the economic accounts reported in the System of National Accounts. Its purpose is to provide a comprehensive setting to measure and value the relationships between the economy and the environment. There is, in fact, the need to trace and assess impact and dependencies of economic activities on/from nature to promote and support the sustainable use of resources, to protect ecosystems from disruption and degradation and eventually sustain our and future generation well-being. Consistency with economic accounts is guaranteed by internationally agreed concepts, definitions, classifications, accounting rules and tables (
The project had two reporting periods (2015-2016 and 2016-2020). During the project's first phase, feasibility and design were investigated by reviewing data collection instruments within and outside the EU, by exploring options and resources needed to implement an integrated accounting system for ecosystems and their services across the EU.
During the second phase (2016 – 2020), a series of concrete applications on ecosystem accounting modules, such as extent, condition and ecosystem services (ES) accounts was undertaken (
The INCA applications on ES accounts developed by the JRC are described in a series of reports:
The complementary material accompanying these reports are accessible from the JRC data catalogue*
Several lessons were learned from the project, that can provide insights on how to address the main issues that may arise when working on ES accounting. The SEEA EA provides a general framework and INCA, compliant with this general framework, provides operational guidelines on how to make it operational. This paper describes twelve lessons learned from INCA phase II.
Twelve main lessons are learned while applying the SEEA EA framework in practice. The following sections list and explain each individual finding and outcome:
The classification of ecosystem services has experienced a remarkable evolution from the
Clustering of ES has strong implications when accounting for ES capacity in monetary terms. ES capacity can be defined as the ability to keep on generating ES in the future. As suggested in SEEA EA (
First lesson learned: For accounting purposes and, especially, when it comes to ES capacity, ES should be clustered correctly, according to the existence of a sustainability threshold in management practices (cluster 1) or the presence of ecosystems (cluster 2).
When using ecological models to assess ES, the resulting ES flow recorded in the supply and use table is, in turn, the result of the interaction between the ecological potential supply and the effective socio-economic need for each service. The match between the ES potential (ecological side of supply) and the ES demand (socio-economic side of demand) generates the ES actual flow (Fig.
The interlinkage of ecological and socio-economic frames in the generation of ES actual flows plays an important role when interpreting the trends of ES flow over time. Fig.
Another example is provided by nature-based recreation (Fig.
Second lesson learned: Two components interact when assessing ES actual flow, i.e ecological components assessed through the ES potential and the socio-economic components assessed through the ES demand. A correct interpretation of changes on ES use over time needs to be analysed considering the role of each side.
The socio-economic frame simplified in Fig.
However, there are ES that contribute to addressing overarching environmental targets, such as climate change mitigation (by, for example, carbon sequestration) or halting biodiversity loss (habitat and species maintenance). For these ES, the global society can benefit from the services provided, regardless of where the service is generated (
Though some regions (see, for example, Finland and Sweden) seem relatively poor in terms of domestic ES, they may be rich in terms of global ES. For instance, also the presence of forests in (for example) Eastern Europe and some regions in France and Spain completely change the economic value distribution of ES across the EU. This outcome becomes key to address international debates on the role of countries or continents to address overarching environmental issues that will inevitably affect the planet for the future generations. ES for global society represent a sort of ecological public good and needs to be treated differently from other ES in accounting.
Third lesson learned: For most ES, the demand is spatially defined and can be allocated to specific users; however, for overarching environmental targets (such as climate change and biodiversity loss), the ES demand is represented by the global society, that cannot be spatially located to a specific place and exclude other places.
As shown in Fig.
For example, the case of flood control (Fig.
ES unmet demand can occur for ES that belong to the second accounting cluster (ref. Fig.
Fourth lesson learned: The mis-match between ES potential and ES demand can generate ES unmet demand.
A mis-match between the ecological and the socio-economic side may occur also for the ES which belong to the first accounting cluster (Fig.
An example is provided for water purification (Fig.
The fifth lesson learned: The mis-match between ES potential and ES demand can generate ES overuse for source provision and sink services with serious consequences for sustainability targets.
A third mis-match that may occur between ES potential and ES demand concerns ES that belong to the second accounting cluster (Fig.
In this case, the mis-match is due to ES that are lost due to inappropriate human practices, for instance, in managing the territory. Fig.
It is necessary to specify that what is assessed as ES missed flows refers to the current context and not to optimal scenarios, i.e. the ES flow missed with respect to what is currently happening and not with respect to what should ideally be happening. The assessment of optimal ES provision would require additional processing in terms of concept development and modelling, which is not in the current domain of INCA.
The sixth lesson learned: The mismatch between ES potential and ES demand can generate ES missed flows.
In the SEEA EA, condition accounts and ES accounts are connected in a sequential logic chain; however, the SEEA EA framework does not provide guidance on how to establish a practical linkage between these two sets of accounts, which run in parallel.
INCA applications show that the linkage of ES accounts with variables used to calculate indicators of condition accounts is possible, feasible and desirable. Habitat and species maintenance clearly show how to establish this linkage (Fig.
Habitat suitability is calculated to assess the presence of habitats in favourable conditions. Together with the indicator of bird species hotspots, habitat suitability is used to locate areas able to provide the ES habitat and species maintenance, for which people are willing to pay for its non-use value (Fig.
The seventh lesson learned: There can be a linkage between ecosystem condition accounts and ES supply and use tables, when the variables chosen to compute the former are input variables for the assessment of the latter.
The SEEA EA complements the System of National Accounts (SNA) and the SEEA Central Framework (SEEA CF,
The work on wood provision in INCA highlighted that understanding whether and how this ES differs from or overlaps with what is proposed to be reported by the CF is a critical issue. After a few iterations, the latest version of this ES shows that the ecosystem contribution can be assessed as the net annual increment of wood biomass in cultivated forests/forest available for wood supply already reported in the timber account of the CF. This flow should not be confused with felling*
Another important example is the ES crop provision. The SNA reports crop production that includes both ecological and human inputs. A high crop production does not necessarily imply a high delivery of the service (from ecological inputs). In fact, high yields are often achieved with the use of artificial inputs such as fertilisers, plant protection products and machines (
Integrated accounting systems need to be coherent and consistent. This is the intrinsic feature that marks the difference between accounting and reporting. When composing and filling the accounts in INCA, each module is combined with economic and natural resource accounts in a way that does not create inconsistencies or discrepancies.
The eighth lesson learned: Ecosystem accounts can complement in a consistent and harmonised way economic and natural resources accounts, by making the whole accounting mechanism fully coherent.
INCA builds on the MAES initiative. The purpose of MAES was to map and assess ecosystems and their services without any specific accounting purpose. When using some of MAES outcomes in INCA, it becomes clear how the availability of a biophysical model is only the starting point and not the final outcome.
For example, in the case of nature-based recreation, ESTIMAP (
The users identified for nature-based recreation in INCA are local residents and what matters in ES accounting is the distance from the nature-based hotspots they can reach on a daily basis.
Ninth lesson learned: When using already existing biophysical models for ES accounting, they will not directly provide the actual flow. Three steps are likely to be needed to adapt existing models: (i) building the ES potential as appropriate; (ii) identifying ES demand; (iii) combining ES potential and ES demand to assess the actual flow.
Previous classifications of ES used to define some of them as intermediate in order to avoid double counting of the same flows in the sum of ecosystem service flow for an accounting area. The “intermediate” tag often applies to “regulation and maintenance” services especially when their contribution is considered embedded in a final benefit used as a proxy for a given provisioning ES.
INCA applications demonstrate how the default definition of an ES as “intermediate” should not be used. In fact, treating an ES as intermediate or final depends on the methods (and the purpose) practitioners use to assess ES.
The intermediate flow may unfold “vertically” when many ecological flows merge into a single ES flow that embeds them all. This is the case, for example, for crop provision. Fig.
The intermediate flow may unfold “horizontally” when the same ES flow is provided in sequence by different ecosystem types. This is the case of inter-ecosystem flows. Fig.
Tenth lesson learned: Any ecosystem service cannot be defined by default as “intermediate” because the intermediate or final role ES play depends on the assessment technique that is applied.
For example, the ES on site soil retention is provided by almost all terrestrial ecosystem types. Only when provided on cropland is it accounted as ES and allocated to the agricultural sector; when provided by other ecosystem types, it is an intra-ecosystem flow and not accounted as final ES (although it may contribute to many other human activities in many differnt ways). Fig.
Eleventh lesson learned: While some of the ES flows can be considered as final, others remain within the ecosystem and are not counted as final nor allocated to economic units.
The general way to account for ES in INCA (compliant with SEEA EA) is: first to assess the service in physical terms, then to translate the service in monetary terms and, finally, to fill in the supply and use table. For some ES, raw data used as proxy of the service are already available and can be used “as is”, a couple of examples are timber provision (where INCA uses timber accounts) and carbon sequestration (where INCA uses Land Use Land Use Changes and Forestry (LULUCF) dataset). These examples do not require any modelling in physical or monetary terms, because the quantity (already available datasets) is eventually multiplied by a price, stumpage price for timber and carbon rates (provided by OECD) for carbon sequestration.
This is what can be defined as a “fast-track” approach. For ES accounts based on the fast-track approach (only), the methodology proposed in SEEA EA to calculate enhancement and degradation within an ecosystem asset applies perfectly (ref. section 10.3 in UN et al. 2021).
For all the other ES in INCA, spatial modelling techniques are applied. Some services required modelling the ecosystem contribution that is eventually applied to already existing datasets, like crop provision and crop pollination. Other services are required to entirely model raw spatial data because no data exist or can be collected from current statistics.
There is a degree of complexity also in the typology of biophysical models used. Less complex models are those that map and combine ecological features without a spatial dependency of one area from the other, such as on-site soil retention, habitat and species maintenance and nature-based recreation. For other ES, conversely, modelling requires to explicitly consider the spatial configuration and interdependencies of the system at a fine granularity. Pest control and pollination services, for example, depend on the presence, structure and spatial arrangement of landscape features interspersed in the agrarian landscape (
Models can be applied not only to assess ES in physical terms, but also to value ES in monetary terms. In fact, complex valuation techniques are applied to estimate nature-based recreation, water purification and flood control and habitat and species maintenance.
Summary of the nine ES assessed in INCA with respect to the degree of complexity. Colours represent: easy (green); relatively easy (yellow); relatively complex (orange); complex (red). A fast-track approach indicates green cells in both biophysical assessment and monetary evaluation.
Ecosystem services |
Biophysical assessment |
Monetary valuation |
Crop provision |
Combination of biophysical modelling and already existing raw data |
Adapted market price: dataset available (no need for modelling) |
Timber provision |
Raw data already available (no need for modelling) |
Market price: dataset available (no need for modelling) |
Crop pollination |
Combination of biophysical modelling and already existing raw data |
Adapted market price: dataset available (no need for modelling) |
Soil retention |
Biophysical modelling (with no spatial path dependency) |
Replacement cost and market price: moderate processing |
Flood control |
Biophysical modelling (with spatial path dependency) |
Avoided damage cost: need for modelling |
Water purification |
Biophysical modelling (with spatial path dependency) |
Replacement cost: need for modelling |
Carbon sequestration |
Raw data already available (no need for modelling) |
Carbon rates: dataset available (no need for modelling) |
Habitat and species maintenance |
Biophysical modelling (with no spatial path dependency) |
Choice Experiment: need for modelling |
Nature-based recreation |
Biophysical modelling (with no spatial path dependency) |
Travel cost method: need for modelling |
Twelfth lesson learned: There can be many combinations of simple and complex techniques in biophysical and monetary assessment for each ES. In fact, the assessment of some ES can be completed throughout a fast-track approach, while others might need more demanding modelling procedures.
The purpose of phase 2 of INCA was to test concrete applications of ecosystem accounting, based on the SEEA EEA (now SEEA EA) for the EU. Specifically on ES, INCA provided accounts for nine ES. In this process of “learning-by-doing”, the INCA team translated the general framework of the SEEA EA into practical applications. Since the first application, it became clear that practitioners need to have service-specific conceptual schemes to put into practice the general framework because ES are complex: they can be delivered by ecosystems in different ways and they are generated throughout the interaction between the ecological supply and the socio-economic needs. With a consistent conceptual scheme, moving from ES assessment to ES accounting becomes possible. Without such a scheme, risks include filling out “reporting” tables without an underlying accounting mechanism: and missing the cause-and-effect relationship that connects ecosystems to the socio-economic systems.
The next step of INCA is to translate the knowledge developed so far into a user-friendly language and make it systematically replicable by all interested practitioners. One way to achieve this objective could be: on the one hand, to create an open source toolbox usable by both public and private users and, on the other hand, to develop and maintain a platform, where it is possible to download tables, maps, time series, guidance handbooks and ad hoc literature.
Both actions could help and support the mainstreaming of ecosystem accounting. The INCA lessons learned can be considered as one result on the long road that needs to be walked: there are still many unsolved and unexplored issues. More concrete applications will bring more knowledge and more knowledge may shed light on possible solutions.
Ref. for further details.
Ref. for further details.
Ref. by selecting the INCA data collection.
Depending on the purpose, different flows can be considered. Specifically, to assess sustainability, practitioners will need fellings.
The Emergy-based approach considers all the inputs used in agricultural production, i.e. natural and anthropogenic inputs. These inputs were converted into a common metric (that is solar equivalent Joule) and then a proportion of natural input is calculated on the total inputs.