One Ecosystem :
Research Article
Corresponding author: Alessio Capriolo (
Academic editor: Joachim Maes
Received: 14 Jun 2024 | Accepted: 23 Jul 2024 | Published: 02 Sep 2024
© 2024 Alice Bartolini, Valentina Di Gennaro*, Vittoria Reas, Rosa Anna Mascolo, Alessandra La Notte, Alessio Capriolo, Silvia Ferrini
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Bartolini A, Di Gennaro* V, Reas V, Mascolo RA, La Notte A, Capriolo A, Ferrini S (2024) Ecosystem Accounting for Marine-Based Tourism provided by Posidonia oceanica in Italy. One Ecosystem 9: e129751.
This work presents the first ecosystem accounts for Marine-Based Tourism (MBT) in Italy. We develop a methodological approach to connect biophysical and economic information required to fill ecosystem accounting supply and use tables. Coherent with the System of Environmental Economic Accounting – Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) framework, this approach starts by estimating the extent and the condition of marine ecosystems, showing the urgency in improving the availability, organisation and accessibility of biophysical data. This work provides valuable insights into understanding MBT from an ecosystem accounting perspective. We focus on the Posidonia oceanica and its role in the MBT sector in Italy, providing a physical quantification of such contribution and converting this flow into monetary terms. Our findings show that such habitat significantly contributes to the tourism sector, resulting in exchange values of MBT of €6 million in 2019 and €3.7 million in 2021.
Posidonia oceanica, ecosystem services, tourism, ecosystem accounting, supply and use tables
The development of the System of Environmental Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA,
Despite the link between ecosystem quality and tourism demand being well-recognised, the contribution of marine and coastal ecosystems to the tourism sector is complex and challenging to isolate for accounting purposes. However, the predominant interest in the Blue Economy and the Biodiversity COP15 commitments should prioritise this analysis. This paper addresses this urgency by proposing the first ecosystem service account for MBT in Italy.
In 2019, the EU Blue Economy Observatory reported that the MBT sector generated a Gross Value Added (GVA) of €81.5 billion (
The availability, quality and accessibility of natural resources have recently gained a significant role in the choice of tourist destinations and activities (
Therefore, understanding the impact and dependency of MBT on marine and coastal ecosystems is crucial policy decision information and the SEEA EA represents an accounting framework that can facilitate this process.
The paper contributes to account for the relationship between marine ecosystems and socio-economic data to identify the role of Posidonia Oceanica in the tourism demand in Italian coastal areas. We provide the first MBT ecosystem account in biophysical and monetary terms to emphasise the urgency for collecting, organising and improving the mapping and monitoring of marine ecosystems. The paper is structured as follows: Previous works summarises previous works aimed at identifying the economic contribution of ecosystems to the tourism sector and introduces MBT in an accounting context. Data collection and methods explains the method and data used referring to: i) identification, quantification and mapping of P. Oceanica; ii) quantification of the biophysical flow of the service provided; iii) conversion of the flow into monetary terms. The empirical results are described in Results section, while Concluding remarks concludes.
Given the broad set of benefits gained from marine ecosystems, such as fish and biomass as provisioning ecosystem services (ES), carbon storage and sequestration and coastal protection as regulating ES and recreational opportunities as cultural ES, literature related to the economic Monetary valuation of such services is very diversified. However, previous works that focus on the contribution of ecosystems to the economy are limited. Furthermore, it is worth noting that MBT refers primarily to tourism flows and differs from daily recreation activities. Although this distinction is crucial for ecosystem accounting (see
Most of the previous studies focus on specific marine activities, such as whale watching (
Other studies assess marine cultural services, such as aesthetic and seascape value and underwater cultural heritage sites (
Fewer papers clarify their intention to contribute to ecosystem accounts, considering mainly daily recreation activities of terrestrial ecosystems (
P. oceanica is an endemic Mediterranean seagrass recognised for its ecological importance and the ecosystem services it provides (
This work focuses on assessing the Marine-Based Tourism (MBT) ecosystem service provided by P. oceanica. Our approach involves three primary steps, as illustrated in Fig.
The first step, consistent with the SEEA EA, aims to determine the extent and condition of the Italian P. oceanica meadows. Despite the importance of this ecosystem, data on P. oceanica meadows in Italy are notably scarce, outdated or completely absent. Therefore, the first step is to statistically reconstruct a reliable dataset from the available data illustrated in Table
Dataset |
Available at |
Scope |
EUSeamap 2021 |
Extent of Italian P. oceanica meadows. |
Italian administrative boundaries |
Administrative boundaries of Italian municipalities |
Monitoring data under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive | |
Density of the meadows in the sampled area |
To derive the extent of meadows, we refer to EUSeamap 2021 (
Subsequently, P. oceanica meadows are linked to each Italian coastal municipality to facilitate the connection between the biophysical and monetary Monetary valuation steps. We use biophysical monitoring data from ISPRA (, collected under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive to assess the condition of the habitat. The dataset includes information about the density, i.e. the number of P. oceanica shoots/m2, which can be considered a proxy indicator of the health status of P. oceanica (
Steps to assess the extent and condition of P. oceanica Italian meadows, dataset used and applied methodologies.
First, a fixed-effect ordinary least squares model using available yearly observations and a spatial identifier (geo) generated using the geohashTools package ( permits capturing site-specific characteristics. Predicted density values for missing years are then generated using the estimated coefficients.
For spatial interpolation, we run a second model regressing the density (observed or predicted) on the year, latitude, longitude and concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen (proxies for anthropogenic pressure on marine ecosystems, aggregated from
The second phase involves the assessment of tourism flow in physical terms, i.e. the number of arrivals directly dependent on the P. oceanica ecosystem. Our goal is to assess factors motivating MBT by analysing the annual national arrivals in each Italian coastal municipality and isolating the contribution of P. oceanica to this flow. To achieve this, we systematically collect and organise a comprehensive dataset encompassing biophysical, cultural and socioeconomic characteristics of each Italian coastal municipality. The dataset includes a set of variables summarised, together with the description and source of information, in Table
Variable |
Description |
Source |
Arrivals_it |
Number of tourist arrivals in each coastal municipality |
MPA_it |
Dummy: whether a marine protected area is present within the municipality |
Density_it |
Predicted density of P. oceanica (shoots/m2) |
Predicted or observed (Section Biophysical quantification of P.oceanica extent and condition |
Blue Flag_it |
Number of blue flag status beaches |
Beach resorts_i |
Number of beach resorts |
Diving_i |
Dummy: whether at least one diving centre is present within the municipality |
PADI, Google maps |
Hotels_it |
Number of hotels |
Camping_it |
Number of camping sites |
Apartments_it |
Number of apartments to rent |
Clubs_it |
Number of clubs |
B&B_it |
Number of bed and breakfast |
Other_it |
Number of other types of accommodation |
Coast km (/1000)_i |
Kilometres of coast |
Marine_n2000_i |
Hectares of marine areas included in the Natura2000 network. These areas include seabeds, reefs, islands and beaches of ecological significance |
Related_n2000_i |
Hectares of marine-related areas, such as salt marshes, lagoons, marshes and near-shore pine forests, included in the Natura2000 network |
Terrestrial_n2000_i |
Hectares of terrestrial areas included in the Natura2000 network, including, for example, forests and mountains |
Note: The Table also provides a brief description of the variables and sources. The subscript i indicates the municipality, while the subscript t indicates whether the variable varies over time. |
We are interested in isolating the effect of P. oceanica on the number of arrivals while controlling for other tourist attractions. Therefore, we built a model to investigate how the explanatory variables outlined in Table 2 influence the number of arrivals in coastal municipalities. To address potential endogeneity issues arising from some variables (e.g. the numbers of accommodation affected by tourist flows), we use lagged variables (
\(ln(y_{it}) = \beta_1 MPA_i + \beta_2 P.Density_{it} + \beta_3 Diving_i + \beta_4 Resorts_i + \beta_5 BlueFlag_{i,t} + \beta_6 Coast_i \\+ \beta_7 Clubs_{i,t-1} + \beta_8 Hotels_{i,t-1} + \beta_9 Camp_{i,t-1} + \beta_{10} B\&B_{i,t-1} \\+ \beta_{11} Rent_{i,t-1} + \beta_{12} Other_{i,t-1} + \beta_{13} Marine2000_i + \beta_{14} M.Related2000_i \\+ \beta_{15} Terrestrial2000_i + \varepsilon_i\) (1)
Equation (1) is structured to isolate the contribution of P. oceanica to the tourism flow. We apply standard ordinary least squares pooled and fixed effect models to account for individual heterogeneity tested on the data. Given the log-linear specification, an increase of one unit of the regressor \(X\) is associated with a variation of \(100 \times \beta_X \%\) in the number of arrivals. Therefore, the estimated density coefficient \(\beta_X \) is used to measure the proportion of visits attributable to the P. oceanica ecosystem, thereby assessing the ecosystem service flow in physical terms.
In the third step, we convert the physical flow into monetary terms. To do so, we apply one of the methodologies approved by the SEEA EA for the Monetary valuation of recreational ecosystem services, i.e. the travel expenditures method. We have data on arrivals in each coastal municipality. However, we lack information on the origin of tourists. To overcome this issue, we leverage tourism industry statistics ( to collect data on national tourist flows across Italian regions and use this information to assign origins to our arrivals. Further details can be found in the supplementary materials (Suppl. material
We compute the travel cost (TC) from each coastal municipality \(i\) to each Italian province \(j\) as follows:
\(TC_{(i-j)} = \frac{2 \times dist_{(i-j)} \times c}{2}\) (2)
where \(dist_{(i-j)}\) represents the route distance in kilometres between the coastal municipality \(i\), with \((i=1, ... 583)\) and centroid of the province \(j\), with \(j=(1,...,110)\). Distances were computed using the ORS tools plugin in the QGIS software ( The multiplication by 2 accounts for the round-trip distance, while \(c\) is the cost per kilometre*
In this section, we present the key outcomes of each stage in our analysis: i) the assessment of P. oceanica extent and condition, ii) the estimates from models used to identify the portion of the tourism flow attributable to the P. oceanica ecosystem and iii) the conversion of this flow into monetary terms. Additionally, we present the supply and use tables (SUT) for the MBT ecosystem service provided by P. oceanica in Italy in both physical and monetary terms for 2019 and 2021. We selected these two years because: i) they are the most recent and ii) they are the only two years in which we have all the available information (i.e. population and tourism statistics).
Extent and condition (density) of P. oceanica Italian meadows for the Marsala Municipality.
Municipality |
ISTAT code |
Extent (m2) |
Year |
Observed density (shoots/m2) |
Predicted density (shoots/m2) |
Marsala |
81011 |
80152829.64 |
2014 |
- |
269.848 [165.459, 372.707] |
2015 |
- |
265.031 [160.519, 369.025] |
2016 |
- |
260.213 [155.403, 364.398] |
2017 |
- |
255.396 [150.439, 359.361] |
2018 |
361.6 |
361.6 |
2019 |
- |
245.760 [139.391, 350.555] |
2020 |
- |
240.942 [134.509, 346.508] |
2021 |
84 |
84 |
Note: 95% confidence intervals for the predicted values are estimated via 10000 Monte Carlo simulations and reported in brackets. |
Dependent variable: number of tourist arrivals | Pooled model estimates | Fixed Effect model estimates |
Variables |
Marine Protected Area (indicator) |
0.576*** (0.068) |
0.791*** (0.138) |
Density (shoots/m2) |
0.001*** (0.0001) |
0.002*** (0.001) |
Number of Blue Flag beaches - lagged |
0.079*** (0.013) |
0.008 (0.012) |
Diving (indicator) |
0.718*** (0.041) |
- |
Number of beach resorts |
0.027*** (0.002) |
- |
Coast length (km) |
0.005*** (0.001) |
- |
Number of clubs |
0.020*** (0.007) |
- |
Number of hotels - lagged |
0.048*** (0.005) |
0.095*** (0.023) |
Number of camp sites - lagged |
0.044*** (0.003) |
0.006* (0.003) |
Number of apartments to rent - lagged |
0.025*** (0.003) |
-0.003 (0.002) |
Number of B&B - lagged |
0.007*** (0.001) |
-0.007*** (0.001) |
Number of other types of accommodation - lagged |
0.007*** (0.001) |
-0.001 (0.001) |
Marine areas Natura2000 (ha) |
-0.002 (0.001) |
- |
Marine-related areas Natura2000 (ha) |
0.0001 (0.001) |
- |
Terrestrial areas Natura2000 (ha) |
0.004*** (0.001) |
- |
Constant |
-0.648*** (0.033) |
- |
R2 |
0.524 |
0.953 |
Adjusted R2 |
0.522 |
0.944 |
*p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01 |
Note: The first column includes variables described in Table 2, which impact the number of tourist arrivals in the two models reported in columns 2 and 3. Models in columns 2 and 3 differ in including municipalities' fixed effects, as described in Tourism dependency on P. oceanica section. Fixed effects for municipalities are omitted for brevity. Standard errors are reported in brackets. |
Considering the FE model’s superior fit to our data, we leverage its results to identify the portion of arrivals attributable to the P. oceanica ecosystem. The log-linear model indicates that a one-unit increase in P. oceanica density corresponds to a 0.2% variation in the number of arrivals. Therefore, we apply this percentage to attribute arrivals to the presence of P. oceanica. The total arrivals for 2019 and 2021, along with those entirely attributed to P. oceanica, are presented at a regional level in Table
Number of tourist arrivals attributable to P. oceanica in the 15 Italian coastal regions.
2019 |
2021 |
Region |
Tourists 2019 |
Tourists P. oceanica |
Tourists 2021 |
Tourists P. oceanica |
Veneto |
3,932,631 |
0 |
3,345,937 |
0 |
Friuli Venezia Giulia |
1,580,326 |
0 |
1,150,793 |
0 |
Liguria |
4,487,686 |
8,235 |
3,298,128 |
6,039 |
Emilia Romagna |
5,880,102 |
0 |
4,501,353 |
0 |
Toscana |
4,139,479 |
5,571 |
3,277,868 |
4,345 |
Marche |
1,650,344 |
0 |
1,453,046 |
0 |
Lazio |
1,484,428 |
1,483 |
667,188 |
680 |
Abruzzo |
1,010,516 |
0 |
845,462 |
0 |
Molise |
77,931 |
0 |
67,606 |
0 |
Campania |
5,188,135 |
9,040 |
2,603,583 |
4,496 |
Puglia |
3,185,989 |
4,742 |
2,587,990 |
3,655 |
Basilicata |
337,149 |
309 |
209,657 |
215 |
Calabria |
1,419,590 |
1,950 |
900,763 |
1,332 |
Sicilia |
4,633,723 |
7,910 |
2,810,895 |
4,812 |
Sardegna |
3,205,567 |
6365 |
2,287,478 |
4,530 |
Total |
42,213,596 |
45,604 |
30,007,747 |
30,104 |
We focus on the portion of the MBT ecosystem service that directly depends on P. oceanica and is enjoyed directly by tourists, who pay a price to "consume" it. We use the travel cost data from each Italian province (NUTS3) to each coastal municipality to proxythis price. This cost is then multiplied by the number of visits dependent on the presence of P. oceanica. Table
Value and average price (€ 2022) of arrivals attributable to P. oceanica in the Italian regions.
2019 |
2021 |
Region |
Value (€) |
Average price (€) |
Value (€) |
Average price (€) |
P. oceanica extent (km2) |
Veneto |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Friuli Venezia Giulia |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Liguria |
641,221 |
77.87 |
478,341 |
106.18 |
503 |
Emilia Romagna |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Toscana |
514,427 |
92.34 |
395,259 |
118.39 |
5889 |
Marche |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Lazio |
165,991 |
111.96 |
65,636 |
244.03 |
2257 |
Abruzzo |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Molise |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Campania |
1,215,427 |
134.44 |
403,771 |
270.36 |
1469 |
Puglia |
735,590 |
155.13 |
545,269 |
201.26 |
9743 |
Basilicata |
42,234 |
136.78 |
24,866 |
196.54 |
73 |
Calabria |
2,93,060 |
150.28 |
186,348 |
220.07 |
2242 |
Sicilia |
1,443,006 |
182.42 |
879,521 |
299.87 |
8168 |
Sardegna |
1,078,687 |
169.48 |
768,069 |
238.10 |
28112 |
Total |
6,129,643 |
3,747,082 |
58460 |
Note: Values and prices are expressed in € 2022. They can be converted to € 2023 or made comparable by considering purchasing power parity (PPP) using the inflation rates and conversion factors available at |
Economic sectors |
Households |
Government |
Coast (Posidonia oceanica) |
Tourism |
Other |
Cultural ES (Marine-based tourism) |
Number of arrivals |
45,604 | ||||
Cultural ES (Marine-based tourism) |
Number of arrivals | 45,604 |
Unit of measure |
Economic units |
Coast (Posidonia oceanica) |
Economic sectors |
Households |
Government |
Tourism |
Other |
Cultural ES (Marine-based tourism) |
€ |
6,129,643 |
Cultural ES (Marine-based tourism) |
€ |
6,129,643 |
Unit of measure |
Economic units |
Coast (Posidonia oceanica) |
Economic sectors |
Households |
Government |
Tourism |
Other |
Cultural ES (Marine-based tourism) |
Number of arrivals |
30,104 |
Cultural ES (Marine-based tourism) |
Number of arrivals |
30,104 |
This study represents the first Italian Marine-Based Tourism ecosystem account, offering insights into the complexity of assessing its physical and monetary flows. The interest in empirical applications and the development of ecosystem accounts under the SEEA EA framework is exponentially growing. Within this framework, we propose a methodological and empirical approach to estimate the role of marine ecosystems in the marine-based tourism sector. We show in three main steps how the employment of biophysical and socio-economic information in a statistical model allows us to: i) assess the contribution of the marine ecosystem to the tourism sector in physical and monetary terms and ii) fill the use and supply tables required in ecosystem accounting.
The proposed approach allows us to estimate the value of the contribution of MBT provided by P. oceanica to the tourism industry by using travel expenditure. We find that P. oceanica significantly contributes to the tourism sector, resulting in exchange values of MBT of €6 million in 2019 and €3.7 million in 2021.
Our findings contribute to a clearer understanding of MBT from an accounting perspective. Marine ecosystems, here proxied by P. oceanica, provide direct or indirect ecosystem services. In the MBT, this role is “indirect” because P. oceanica density is used as a proxy to determine the number of touristic arrivals due to the good quality of coastal habitats. However, the economic benefits are quite substantial and a loss of ecosystem extent and conditions can impact the tourism sector.
Despite the progress made in this analysis, there is still room for methodological and empirical improvements, mainly related to mapping marine ecosystems and data availability. Data availability particularly affects our biophysical assessment. While the temporal model works fine, the spatial model is subject to greater limitations, mainly due to the limited availability and fragmented nature of data on the condition of Italian marine ecosystems. A series of other variables could be included in the model to represent the anthropogenic pressure on the ecosystem. For example, including other variables on recreational boat anchorages, water turbidity and sediment quality might represent a significant opportunity to improve the model and, consequently, the accuracy of the estimates, which, however, already provide starting data for the development of the related accounting tables. In this context, we emphasise the urgent need for improved data availability. Collection, organisation, updating and accessibility are key to compiling accurate and complete accounts of marine ecosystems.
Nevertheless, this paper provides valuable insights for policy-makers to expand their options of actions related to the nature-based tourism sector. By carefully reading the information from the supply and use tables of ecosystem accounting, policy-makers can plan investments orientated towards monitoring, conservation or restoration of marine ecosystems considering the impact on the tourism industry and relying on a broader, more comprehensive set of information (e.g. their geographical area, physical and monetary accounts).
*Valentina di Gennaro worked on this study in the framework of the MARBEFES (MARine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning leading to Ecosystem Services) project, funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe Programme, “HORIZON-CL6-2021-BIODIV-01” Theme, Grant Agreement no. 101060937 []. The work of Alice Bartolini was co-founded by the European Union - FSE REACT-EU, NOP Research and Innovation 2014-2020.
ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), within the context of the project "Servizio di elaborazione di dati e informazioni biofisiche finalizzare alla contabilizzazione dei servizi ecosistemici marini", resulting from the collaboration between ISPRA and the Department of Political and International Sciences of the University of Siena.
Alessio Capriolo and Silvia Ferrini planned and supervised the project. Silvia Ferrini and Alessandra La Notte designed the study. Alice Bartolini, Vittoria Reas and Valentina Di Gennaro collected data and conducted the analysis. All co-authors contributed to the writing of the article.
Biophysical model estimates, information on tourists' origins. This file helps to better understand the paper's results.
Here, we assume a cost of 0.26 €/km, the minimum value used by