Three consecutive scenarios of grassland inclusion in Green network of Lääne County, Estonia: (A) Scenario 1: bare minimum - only grasslands belonging to "habitats" bundle (i.e. displaying high or very high values for such ES as maintaining habitats for plant and animal nursery, pollination and seed dispersal, global climate regulations and herbs for medicine) are included in GN, (B) Scenario 2: medium ecological coherence - grasslands from "habitats bundle" and grasslands containing protected species are included in GN, (C) Scenario 3: High ecological coherence - grasslands from habitat bundle, grasslands containing protected species and grasslands form "soil" bundle (displaying high or very high values for such ES as bioremediation by micro-organisms, plants and animals, filtration/storage/accumulation by ecosystems, control of (water) erosion rates and  chemical condition of freshwaters) are included in GN.

  Part of: Vinogradovs I, Villoslada M, Nikodemus O, Ruskule A, Veidemane K, Gulbinas J, Morkvenas Ž, Kasparinskis R, Sepp K, Järv H, Klimask J, Zariņa A, Brūmelis G, Dotas A, Kryžanauskas A (2020) Integrating ecosystem services into decision support for management of agroecosystems: Viva Grass tool. One Ecosystem 5: e53504.