The results of landscape management prioritizsation in the Cēsis Municipality showing spatial distribution farmland management priority classes. The highest priority class (1st priority) calls for intensive restoration management (removal of shrubs and Sosnowski's hogweed), 2nd priority class calls for medium restoration measures (i.e. removal of Sosnowski's hogweed from the neighbouring territories - ditches, forest edges), 3rd priority class calls for maintenance practices (i.e. cutting grass more than once a year), lowest categories (4th and 5th priorities) call for monitoring of maintenance actions (i.e. yearly monitoring of management practices in situ or tracking of IACS data).

  Part of: Vinogradovs I, Villoslada M, Nikodemus O, Ruskule A, Veidemane K, Gulbinas J, Morkvenas Ž, Kasparinskis R, Sepp K, Järv H, Klimask J, Zariņa A, Brūmelis G, Dotas A, Kryžanauskas A (2020) Integrating ecosystem services into decision support for management of agroecosystems: Viva Grass tool. One Ecosystem 5: e53504.