Screenshot of results of weighting the criteria for landscape management in Viva Grass Planner in Cēsis case study. User defined weights (upper left), legend of ranges of results based on natural brakes (middle left), map of management priority with individual score for each field (map window).

  Part of: Vinogradovs I, Villoslada M, Nikodemus O, Ruskule A, Veidemane K, Gulbinas J, Morkvenas Ž, Kasparinskis R, Sepp K, Järv H, Klimask J, Zariņa A, Brūmelis G, Dotas A, Kryžanauskas A (2020) Integrating ecosystem services into decision support for management of agroecosystems: Viva Grass tool. One Ecosystem 5: e53504.